sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

maybe I'm being mean but after everything that she does there's no going back now!!

the thing is, I'm confused because I feel good for leting go of what I think but on the other hand I feel bad for saying that kind of things and making people feel bad even if they do the same to me ..
I keep trying to ignore everything and make things get better but it's sooo hard!!
still not giving up (at least for now)

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

sooo I went to see Jason Mraz !!
and it was awesome!!

before he appeared I was kinda thinking I would regret it but when it started I didn't want it to finish so soon xP

it was a great time spent singing and shouting for him. <3

hope to see him again xDD

".. sometimes it may seem dark
But the absence of the light is a necessary part .."Love is a four letter word <3 Jason Mraz

sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

it must be all against me now!!
I don't know how but, suddenly I couldn't open my blog!!
I was going to write about other thing but with all this, trying to open then opening something else!! I don't even remember ://
maybe I should just stop with this "blog thing" !!!

quarta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2012

AAAHH I hate it!!

I hate it when someone ask me something thn just go nd ask the same thing to other person it's like telling me that I 'm lying!!
if you don't believe me, just don't ask!! don't make me waste my time ... I'm counting how long I can handle this!!

sexta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2012

I don't know how to handle this anymore.. everything is turning backwards!!
living like this is so  bad !!
even my only friend that was there for me all the time until I come here is not there anymore :''(
I miss everything!! even every little shit I hated when I was back there, even that..
I don't know what to do!! I want to stay here in pt but living like this...
what should I do..?!?!?!

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

this ain't living ..

I can't leave like this! it's like living with strangers, you never know how they'll act! they can be happy and suddenly they're shouting with each other.
you ask somuething but it looks like you shouldn't have asked anything but you can't say that because it's like throwing stones!! you better be quite!!!
they're always saying that I don't speak but I defenetly can't tell my opinion or what I'm thinking because you never know!! they may start screaming without reason and I just stay speechless!!!
I just keep quiet, no one needs to know what I think about anything !!!

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012


As more as I think of it, I think that one of the reasons is "attention". Back there I had none of it! I thought that here it wouldn't hurt that much because they're not my parents so I don't expect too much but, I was wrong, not because of what I feel but because they actually give me attention but in the bad way!
And I thought that how further I was, they would miss me and at least give me more attention "but", it seems like I was wrong again! and it's like they're becoming more and more distant..

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012

aahhh I'm so excited !! can't believe it's almost my quinzeniera (b'day)
til then I have a school project to do and a test but I don't care, I just can't wait for it !! xD

from invisible to starred !! lot worst !!

if I could just tell him how I fell !! I have to see him everyday, I think he knows, cuz I find him starring at me everytime I look at him (btw thing that I shouldn't do) but I'm glad there's only one month left for holidays. so I won't have to see him everyday x/ with his girlfriend! that by the way is kinda ugly! LOL what would I say !! .. I'm thinking of adding him on fb. but then I won't know what to tell him, it would be just awkward !!  I have to figure out somethin to do !! need HELP !!

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2012

Worried x/

hey !!
sorry I stopped writting, I just couldn't..
my life changed (literally) !!
good things I'm in a new country, new people, new friends, new things..
bad things no parents, no old friends, everything is different..
I choosed it but,
       will get used to it??

P.S.: worried  x/